Educational Support Departments » Student Support » Exceptional Children's Program

Exceptional Children's Program

ArtSpace Charter School provides Exceptional Children’s services to qualifying children with disabilities who require assistance to access the regular school program. The Exceptional Children’s program at ArtSpace strives to serve each child with a disability in the regular classroom using an inclusion model to the greatest extent possible. ArtSpace develops and implements Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and 504 plans including related services such as occupational and speech therapy when deemed necessary by the child’s IEP team. Referral, evaluation, identification, and Exceptional Children services are provided as required by the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and the North Carolina Procedures Governing Programs and Services for Children with Disabilities. ArtSpace also provides a full continuum of services for students who need more intensive support to access the curriculum. 

Please contact the EC Program Coordinator, Tina Sneed, for additional information on the following: 

•    Transition from Infant-Toddler Program to School-Age Program
•    Preschool/Elementary/Middle/High Program Specialists
•    New to ArtSpace
•    Parentally Placed Private School Students
•    Related Services (OT/PT/Speech/School Psychologists, etc.)
•    Parent Liaison
•    Dispute Resolution
•    Suspected Disability


New Students

In order to make your student’s transition into ArtSpace to smoothly, it is very important to provide your student’s new school copies of the following information during registration: 

•    Most recent psychoeducational report, eligibility, evaluation, and/or reevaluation report
•    Current Individualized Education Program (IEP)
•    Contact information for your student’s previous school and school district 


Child Find

Project Child Find is an effort coordinated by ArtSpace Charter School and the State Department of Public Instruction’s Exceptional Children’s Division to: 

•    Locate and identify children and youth ages birth through 21 with disabilities who are in need of special education and related services. 
•    Inform parents and/or guardians of the services available from their local school system and other state and community agencies. 

Project Child Find seeks to support children and youth who have been diagnosed or are suspected to have intellectual, physical, or emotional disabilities and are unable to benefit from a regular school program without special assistance. This program provides a complete evaluation, and if appropriate, an Individualized Education Program for children with a disability beginning at age three, an Individual Family Service Plan for each child with a disability birth through two, or, a referral to other agencies when needed. 

NC Departments of Public Instruction Child Find Posters are posted on the Community Board in the main lobby and brochures are available in the main office.

Project Child Find Website


Parent Rights & Responsibilities in Special Education

The Parent Rights & Responsibilities in Special Education: NC Notice of Procedural Safeguards handbook is designed to support families with the understanding of the rights and responsibilities specific to the special education process. Acronyms and terms often used in special education and resources can be found in the appendices. 

If, at any time, you suspect your student may have a disability and is in need of special education and/or related services, you may request an evaluation, in writing, to your student’s school principal, teacher, or EC Program Coordinator. 

Parent Rights Handbook (English)

Parent Rights Handbook (Spanish)


Dispute Resolution

It is recommended that concerns for the education of students with a disability can be addressed by communicating first with their classroom or EC teacher. If concerns are not addressed, please reach out to the EC Program Coordinator. If concerns still exist, contact the executive director. Further dispute resolution strategies are available on the DPI parent resources website. 

First talk to classroom teacher, next talk to EC coordinator, last talk to Executive Director


Additional Family Resources

North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Exceptional Children Division

The mission of the Exceptional Children Division is to ensure that students with disabilities develop intellectually, physically, emotionally, and vocationally through the provision of an appropriate individualized program in the least restrictive environment. 

Parent Resources from the Department of Public Instruction (DPI)

This is a link to the DPI website of resources for parents of students with disabilities.

Family Support Network

“Family Support” helps families with a child who has special needs access services and supports. Family support is a community-based approach that increases the strength and resilience of families, supports parents as they help their children with special needs achieve their full potential, and improves community providers’ capacity to serve families with children who have special needs.

Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center

ECAC is dedicated to empowering families and improving lives, particularly for North Carolina families raising children ages 0 to 26 with disabilities. As a non-profit organization operated by and staffed primarily with parents of children with disabilities, we understand the needs of families as they navigate the special education process. We are here to assist all children in accessing a free and appropriate education.

Autism Society of NC

The Autism Society of North Carolina improves the lives of individuals with autism, supports their families, and educates communities.

Academic Websites


Online guided reading program with interactive ebooks, downloadable books, and reading quizzes.

Kahn Academy

You can learn anything. Expert-created content and resources for every course and level. Always free.


About Ms. Tina

Tina Sneed is a proud alumna of Clemson University, married to Chip, and a mother of adult children who live in Manhattan, San Diego, and Portland {OR} – which gives her a great excuse to travel. She enjoys reading, traveling, walking, knitting, and eating.


B.A. English & Education | UNCG

M.Ed English & Secondary Ed | Clemson University


About Ms. Terri
Ms.Terri earned a B.A. in psychology and communicative disorders from San Diego State.  She earned an M.A. in education with a focus in special education from UC Riverside.  Ms. Teri has worked with children for over 6 years and has experience working with adults with traumatic brain injury. She joined the ArtSpace staff in the 2016-17 school year. In her free time Ms. Teri enjoys spending time with her family hiking, biking and playing games. She also enjoys reading, going to concerts and gardening.
About Ms. Misty

Misty earned a B.A. in Communications from Mars Hill College, an M.S. in Human Service specializing in Counseling Studies from Capella University, and received her Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification in Special Education from East Carolina University. Misty previously taught through Buncombe County schools as an exceptional children’s teacher. Prior to teaching Misty worked as a behavioral specialist at a day treatment school for six years. She also has ten years of work experience in the social work, human service, and mental health field working with children and families. In her spare time, Misty enjoys spending time with her son, family, friends, and dogs. When it is time to relax, she can be found doing yoga, taking walks, reading a book, doing puzzle games, and learning to paint.


About Mr. Clay

Clay holds a degree in Fine Art from Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design in Drawing and Painting and before arriving at ArtSpace was represented by Ron Judish Fine Art in Denver, Colorado. Clay moved to Asheville in 2003 and became associated with The Asheville Arts Council where he volunteered as well as participated in group exhibits in the gallery. In 2009 Clay began working at ArtSpace as a Teacher Assistant in the Special Needs Program, two years later moved to fifth grade as an Assistant, and currently works in the Intensive Intervention Classroom in a Student Support role. Clay, along with his wife Tami, founded ArtSpace ArtCamp and continues to be involved in extracurricular programs as both a painting and pottery instructor.


About Sierra

Sierra joined ArtSpace in the spring of 2023 in the 2nd grade classroom. Drawing off years of experience with special needs students, Sierra will be joining the EC team in the Treehouse this year.


About Ms. Aleisha

Coming Soon! 


About Ms. Gaby

Gaby has been working with special needs youth for 10 years+ in school settings and within the adaptive sports world. Many summers have been spent assistant teaching alongside renowned artists at the Sawdust Art Festival or traveling with her family. She has a passion for community, music, and the outdoors. She hiked 1500 miles of the AT all at once and wishes to finish the other half when her son gets old enough to join her. 


About Ms. Virginia

Coming Soon!