Academics » Kindergarten - Fourth » Third Grade

Third Grade

Third grade is a year of amazing growth, exploration, and achievement as students are encouraged to reflect on their learning and take pride in their studies. Third graders explore multiplication and division concepts and learn to persevere through solving multi-step word problems through the use of the Investigations curriculum. Students are introduced to rich literature through a Roald Dahl author study and a stop-motion animation project. We move away from learning how to read and begin reading in order to learn. Through dance, poetry, writing, theater, music, technology, and visual art integration, we explore the concepts of the plant life cycle, the skeletal and muscular systems, the solar system, and forces and motion. We learn about the states of matter by observing glass blowers and ice cream-making! Students study and create constellation myths, as well as folktales from around the world. We explore local and regional geography and its influence on business. We learn about how individuals can influence their communities – and the world – as we create our own version of Judy Chicago’s The Dinner Party. We study local history and discover why artists like Josef Albers chose to study and work at Black Mountain College, an experimental college opened in Black Mountain in 1933. We learn to work and play together while demonstrating ArtSpace’s Four Pillars: Effort, Respect, Leadership, and Service.

About Ms. Mary
Mary received her degree from Appalachian State University in Recreation Management.  After working briefly for the Forest Service in Lake Tahoe and being home with her son for three years, she started teaching at a Montessori School in Spruce Pine, where she spent the next fourteen years. Mary completed her elementary certification through UNCA in May 2014 and has taught second grade at Two Rivers Community School in Boone for the last two years. She has now joined Artspace teaching third grade. Mary enjoys guiding children through the process of discovering what inspires them, and igniting a passion to learn about the world. Mary’s bucket list includes becoming a master pasta maker on the Italian Riviera, going on safari in the Serengeti, and learning the mysteries of Angkor Wat (previous life goals were to become Indiana Jones).  Mary’s other interests include reading, cooking, hiking, camping, music, and spending time with family and friends. Mary is slightly obsessed with tubing on the river and can be found at the river near her house on most sunny summer days.
About Ms. Amy
This will be Ms. Amy’s 12th year teaching, all of that time at ArtSpace. She graduated from Auburn University with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education, and completed her student teaching in Christchurch, New Zealand. Amy taught 6th grade Math and Science here for nine years before taking time to stay home with her three boys. She returned to ArtSpace in 2021 as the Elementary Math Interventionist. Outside of classroom teaching, Ms. Amy has also taught dance for many years and has been an instructor and logistics staff member for The North Carolina Outward Bound School. In her spare time she enjoys gardening, dancing, traveling, backpacking, jogging, and reading and snuggling with her boys on the couch.
About Mr. Jack
Coming Soon!